How to Create the Life YOU Want

     A couple of years ago, I had asked God to tell me the truth about the world. Within a few days, I was taken on a spiritual journey filled with questions and answers which led me to the ultimate truth: GOD IS ENERGY! Think about this for a moment. In our lives, there has been one thing in this entire universe, this cosmos, that has been around since the beginning of time; always working, ever present, and extremely powerful. It cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be controlled. It doesn’t judge, yet it gives in accordance to it’s usage. It creates and controls movement and growth. It NEVER gets tired (it’s sitting “Employee of ALL TIME” as of this writing). It manages your bodily functions (cells and all) while you sleep, and it’s even controlling you as you read this…its ENERGY.

     Albert Einstein discovered in the 20th century that when you break down everything and anything in the known universe, you’ll find that at the core resides energy. At the time of discovery, Einstein thought that energy was in a solid form, like a molecule. However, other physicists, like Niels Bohr, and others after him, discovered that energy was actually in a wave field, similar to an ocean, and that this energy field can be influenced by our thoughts. Experiments have shown that energy reacts either positively or negatively in direct correlation to the quality of our thoughts. This is where the whole “Faith can move mountains” comes into play. What does this all mean? It means that you and I can bring things, events, and circumstances into our lives simply by thinking about them: in other words, WE can create our own lives by our thoughts.

     I mentioned earlier that energy controls our lives and everything in it. So, since that’s true, it’s also true that we can control energy through our thinking. How? In our brains resides the mind (our brains are the physical matter in our heads and our mind is the non-physical part). The mind is divided into two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious controls all the things we do when we’re awake. The subconscious manages all the functions we can’t directly control, like our internal bodily functions, our dreams (quality and quantity), and our thoughts (also quality and quantity…bet you didn’t know we think more than 10,000 thoughts a day, did ya?). For example, if you were to imagine something right now, your subconscious will immediately go to work filling in the surroundings of what you’ve imagined!! I’ll show you.

Exercise #1: Close your eyes and imagine an apple pie. Hold that mental picture. Now, look at the surroundings and circumstances of the pie. What did you see? Where was the pie? How was it shaped? Write down what you saw in your mental picture.

Pretty interesting isn’t it? That’s YOUR subconscious! In the above exercise, if your thoughts were positive, your picture of the apple pie might have been of one that was hot and fresh out of the oven, sitting in the middle of the dining room table. However, if your thoughts were negative, then your picture might have been one of apple pie roadkill!! Now, to further illustrate my point, especially for those of you who now have a sudden “taste” for apple pie, let’s go back to the pie!!

Exercise #2: Close your eyes again, but this time imagine getting the apple pie. Ask yourself, “How can I get this pie right now?”, then wait as your subconscious provides you with all the ways to get your apple pie. Jot them down!! (I know you were thinking McDonald’s, it’s cool…their pies are pretty good). If you’re really wanting an apple pie right now, go get it!!

In the last exercise, how many ways did you come up with? Did you see yourself getting the pie? Eating it? Enjoying it? Good. What you’ve just experienced is a part of energy working for you and with you. Using your imagination, the subconscious goes to work to create the mental pictures. It also goes to work to create the reality as described in the mental pictures, believe it or not, because it has direct access to the ultimate power of the Universe. So, if somehow a desire for the apple pie was developed through the exercises, you’ll find that your subconscious has made the way to the pie either smooth or difficult, depending on your thinking. For example, if your thinking is positive, you’ll see small “miracles” on your way to getting what you want, from smooth traffic to signs pointing to a bake sale nearby (you were first in line at McDonald’s, with no one in front or behind you, weren’t you? Lol). The exact opposite happens when your thinking is negative, which is why it is important to try to always think positive.

In the exercises, your mind entered into what is called the Field of Potentiality. Through your imagination, your subconscious came up with numerous ideas for getting what you want. Those ideas are real and they exist in the Field of Potentiality (or FOP) with the possibility of making them real. The FOP is much like the “Construct” scene in the 1999 movie “The Matrix”. In the movie, the “Construct” was an empty white space that existed as a computer program, where the characters were able to get whatever they wanted or needed simply by thought. The FOP is similar in that whatever we think about, with desire or intent, becomes real to our subconscious. All that’s needed to make it reality is our action, be it physical (taking the first step towards what you want) or spiritual (prayer and belief).

This last part is very important. Earlier, I stated that Energy is “Employee of All Time”. However, because we don’t recognize Energy as boss, it’s job goes thankless. Energy LOVES gratitude. Try this: when you wake up tomorrow morning, or even NOW, just say “Thank You” out loud, and really mean it. Keep doing it daily, and you’ll see how your life will improve. You’ll start your days off with smiles and confidence because you’ll know who’s got your back!! Your blessings and miracles will come a lot quicker as a result.

True story: in the beginning of 2018, I set the intention of entering and winning the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event, without paying a dime to enter. Sounds crazy, right? Well, here’s what happened. My subconscious went to work paving the way for this to possibly happen years ago (we’re still under construction, happily). It started in 2003, when Chris Moneymaker (real name, no gimmicks) won the WSOP Main Event for over $2 million through an online tournament with a $40 buy-in. At the time of hearing this, my father and I got online and started learning the game. I played on and off since then, not really taking it seriously until recently. See, while I was playing off and on for fun, my subconscious was practicing and taking notes. It led me to a coworker at Dominos, back in 2011, who also played poker. In fact, this is how I realized the universe was at work back then: the guys’ license plate read “AKQJ10”. I sparked up a conversation with him about how I wanted to improve my game, and he lent me a book that improved my game DRAMATICALY: Ken Warren Teaches Texas Hold’em.  A few years ago, I had tried to return the book to my coworker, but the business where we worked was torn down, and I had no way of reaching him. So, the book stayed with me. Last year, my subconscious directed me to re-read this book, along with another that I mysteriously found at a Goodwill in 2012 (Championship No-Limit & Pot-Limit Hold’em). My subconscious also led me to move to Las Vegas in 2015 (GO KNIGHTS). After reading, watching videos, playing and practicing, I am now at a level where I was able to literally “walk” into my first major tournament. On May 11, 2018, I won an online entry into the WSOP $365 Online Tournament. The tournament was held on June 3, 2018 and the top prize was over $105,000 and a gold bracelet and the top 7 finishers I believe received five figure payments. I didn’t finish the tournament because it was my first time in a tournament of this type and although I was prepared, my will power was not, as I had entered a tournament hours before and placed in the money. I did, however, play well enough to earn a small consolation prize (as of this writing, the WSOP is in its first week of 2018 at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas…there’s still time. Wish me luck!!). Now I know what it takes to get what I want. (Thank you Universe.) Here’s the formula and recipe to get what you want.


Manifestation Recipe

1.  Recognize and realize the truth: Energy controls everything and that through energy you can change your life. Each of us on this planet has an infinite amount of it each day we wake up, to do whatever we wish. (Notice how you’ll run low, but not out of energy…otherwise you wouldn’t be here)
2.  Go to a room where you can be alone, in quiet, so you can meditate and access your subconscious.
3.  Clear your mind of all thoughts. Think positively and focus on the energy that flows through you, about how it’s able to control the systems in your body without any help from you (“Thank you sir/ma’am, but we got this!!” – Energy).
4.  Now think about something you REALLY wanted, not wished you had. (If you got the apple pie earlier, please wipe up the crumbs.) You have to have a desire, a hunger/thirst for it. Imagine what it would be like if you had it…let it put a smile on your face.
5.  Ask for it out loud, in prayer, on paper; however you want to do it, just ask.
6. Believe it’s already yours, because IT IS…it’s in the Field of Potentiality (FOP, remember) waiting to be made real.
7.  Receive it. Set a date for it’s arrival, prepare for it, expect it, and look for signs of your subconscious working for you through “signs and miracles” that will show up as luck, happy circumstances, or those “AHHHHH” moments where you picked up new knowledge related to what you want.
8.  Take the first step towards your desire and let your subconscious lead you. Remember to stay positive and patient through this process, as “Rome was not built in a day”, as they say. Go for a test drive, go window shopping, try a few samples (It’s ok…Costco still loves you!!)
9. Enjoy your new life when it arrives.
10. Say “Thank You”.

Sign up for my newsletter (COMING SOON), where I’ll fill you in on my miracles and keep you posted on my journey to WSOP 2018.

If God is Love, and Love is the highest energy, then God IS ENERGY!!!

Books Mentioned:

The Secret
Ken Warren Teaches Texas Hold’em

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! My name is Arlington and it is my hope that with this blog, you find the life that you seek. I’m just an ordinary man with an extraordinary belief in using Universal Energy and will for creating new life. I’ll share some of my experiences with you on this voyage, and please, feel free to share yours. This is gonna be fun!!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
