Hello all. I’ve been working on trying to set up this blog and add affiliate links to it. A few days ago, I asked the universe “How can I make $2000 today?”. I ended up doing a Google search asking the same question. It led me to a video, where a young man was selling his system of generating profits by selling information (“how to…” stuff). Ironically, a couple of years ago, I started MyQuickCashBlog with the idea of monetizing that site (I’m giving info away free, but I wanted to get paid for the traffic…no shame here). I almost forgot about that site, until my subconscious kicked in, and reminded me of its existence…and new content to add (you can click here to see what I’m talking about, as well as the meaning of the title). Both blogs are works in progress, but I know the best is coming. As for the $2000, I’m waiting patiently for it…but the info I got I think was well worth over what I asked for. Stay tuned.

Check out this article I found…sounds helpful. Thoughts?
13 Things That Will Happen When You ‘Level-Up’ As A Person

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